Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ok, so I am motivated to do this again. I just got back from JavaOne. Great time. Great presentations! The Google people were just... (loss for words). If I could ever convince my wife to move, I'd love to work for them. Things are going good (except for the Cardinals). Family is healthy, work is good. What more can a guy ask for? More time! I never have enough time. I have 100's of things I'd love to do, if I only had the time. Javaone has added many new cool things I'd love to mess with. My house (build in 1867) has a thing or two I'd like to work on. I really need to make a list and just do some of this stuff before I forget it or lose interest. I wish I was better at managing my off work time. At work, I am like a robot.. everything is scheduled down to the hour(or so) I am pretty good w/ that. At home, my schedule is too hetic. I need a better schedule. So why am I taking time to blog? hmm, the plot thickens.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Thoughts for today

Do you ever just have one of those months? Well I am having one. Work is becoming more stressful and the wife is cracking the whip for me to finish redoing our kitchen. To top that I haven't had a good night of sleep in about 18 months (sleep apnia) and the only thing keeping me awake of a day is an insane amount of caffeine and the constant pain of my planar fasciitis. But at least the Cards are winning. Too bad I don't have time to watch them!